Friday, October 18, 2013

Make a list

What do you love to photograph? Make a list!  Write down the top 5 things you love to photograph (whether you are good at it, or not). Its a good exercise to do, at least once a year.  And you don't have to be a professional photographer to do it.... it will help anyone be a little more focused with their photography.

Here's my list.... (not necessarily in order)

1.  kids being kids... kids interacting with the people and world around them.  I especially like to capture a moment in time when they don't know you are photographing them.  Maybe they are discovering something new or seeing something for the first time.

2.  ranch lifestyle... growing up on a ranch, and now having some of our own, really makes me appreciate all the little details of the ranch lifestyle.

3.  landscape photos of the places I visit...of course I appreciate the landscape in the beautiful area that we live, but there's something different about capturing other places that I don't get to see everyday.

4.  weddings.... I just love weddings.  I don't shoot a lot of weddings, maybe one a year, but I love everything about them.  It takes a lot of work, preparation, and equipment; more than most people realize, but there is something about a wedding day.

5.  beautiful women that appreciate their own beauty (flaws and all... because we all have them!)

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